About Us

Everyone Deserves a Great Manager
Blanchard South Africa is the sole licensee for South Africa, working with Blanchard®, a global leader in management training, consulting, and coaching to support you worldwide. For more than 40 years, Blanchard has been helping organisations develop inspired leaders at all levels and by assisting in the creation of cultures of connection that unleash talent and deliver extraordinary results.
Blanchard’s SLII® powers inspired leaders and is the leadership model of choice for more than 10,000 organisations worldwide.
Our People

Jayson Naidoo

Jayson Naidoo

Vivien Katzav

Vivien Katzav

Dean Naidoo

Dean Naidoo

Franciska Rossouw
Marketing Consultant

Franciska Rossouw
Marketing Consultant

Edgar Woodman
ICT Consultant

Edgar Woodman
ICT Consultant

Rosalie Aubrey
Project Manager

Rosalie Aubrey
Project Manager

Gabriella Naidoo
Executive PA

Gabriella Naidoo
Executive PA

Walter Govender
Sales Executive

Walter Govender
Sales Executive
Blanchard South Africa Values
A person is a person through other persons. None of us comes into the world fully formed. We would not know how to think, or walk, or speak, or behave as human beings unless we learned it from other human beings. We need other human beings in order to be human.
Desmond Tutu (2004)

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With offices around the world, we can deliver on your global leadership training needs.